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Lacerations Joliet, IL

Cuts or lacerations are common injuries that can require medical attention. While small cuts can be cleaned and covered with a bandage, some lacerations may require stitches or other medical care. If you or a family member have minor cuts that need medical attention, come see us at Rapid Healthcare. We offer laceration treatment at our walk-in clinic in Joliet, IL.

Superficial cuts often do not require medical care unless the wound continues to bleed or becomes infected. When you have a laceration or minor cut, you should first rinse the wound thoroughly under tap water to rinse out any bacteria. Wrapping the cut and holding pressure on it for 15 minutes can stop the bleeding for most superficial cuts, but gaping wounds or lacerations may need to be closed with sutures or stitches. If you have a laceration, it is important to seek medical care as soon as possible to avoid risk of infection.

Same Day Minor Cut Treatment

In most cases, you want lacerations closed within 8-12 hours after the injury. This can reduce the risk of infection and help the wound heal quicker with less scarring. Our medical team at Rapid Healthcare can perform treatment for minor cuts and lacerations at our walk-in clinic. Closing the wound will minimize scarring and help the cut heal faster. Scar tissue will form to heal the skin and tissue. If stitches are needed, we can remove them in several days and schedule an appointment for suture removal when you come in for your laceration treatment.

Lacerations and minor cuts can be quickly disinfected and repaired to stop the bleeding and reduce risk of infection. If you have a laceration, call our clinic for advice on how to care for your wound until your appointment. Severe wounds may be referred to a hospital for surgical care.

If you have a cut that requires medical attention, contact our team at Rapid Healthcare. We offer same day laceration treatment near Woodridge and Romeoville at our walk-in clinic in Joliet, IL. Our facility accepts all PPO plans, Medicaid and most types of major healthcare insurance.

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